Understand the energetics of your emotions and get clarity on your vibrant inner world

Are you tired of feeling overwhelmed by your emotions, struggling to navigate the turbulent waves of your inner world? Do you long for a greater sense of emotional clarity and the ability to harness the power of your emotions to create a life of purpose and fulfillment? If so, you're in the right place. Welcome to Emotional Authority Workshop, the transformative course designed specifically for individuals with emotional authority in Human Design. This comprehensive program is your roadmap to understanding the energetics of emotions, subconscious reprogramming, and achieving emotional regulation. Get ready to embark on a journey that will revolutionize your relationship with your emotions and empower you to navigate your emotional landscape with confidence and ease.


    1. Intro & Welcome!

About this course

  • $97.00
  • 1 hour of video content
  • 7 Modules
  • Group Voxer Access
  • Lifetime Access

What's inside!

  • Energetics of Emotions

    In this course, we dive deep into the fascinating world of emotional energy. You will learn to recognize the unique energetic signature of your emotions, understand their purpose, and decode the messages they hold. We explore the intricate interplay between your emotional authority and your energetic waves, providing you with the tools to witness and experience these waves in a transformative way. By harnessing the power of your emotional energetics, you will discover a newfound clarity that will guide you toward making aligned decisions and living a life in harmony with your true self.

  • Subconscious Reprogramming

    One of the most significant barriers to emotional clarity is the presence of subconscious programming that no longer serves you. In this course, we dive into the depths of your subconscious mind, unveiling the patterns and beliefs that have been holding you back. Through powerful techniques and exercises, you will learn to reprogram your subconscious mind, replacing old thought patterns with empowering beliefs that support your emotional authority. As you align your conscious and subconscious minds, you will experience transformation, gaining control over your emotional landscape and creating the life you desire.

  • Emotional Regulation

    Emotional regulation is an essential skill for individuals with emotional authority, and this course is dedicated to helping you become a master of it. We provide you with practical strategies and techniques to regulate your emotions effectively, even in the midst of chaos. From mindfulness practices and breathwork to journaling exercises and visualization techniques, you will learn various tools to regain emotional equilibrium and find clarity amidst the storm. By cultivating emotional regulation, you will create a solid foundation for making decisions that align with your true self and propel you toward your goals.

  • Imagine a life where you no longer feel overwhelmed by your emotions and have the power to confidently embrace and navigate your energetic waves. This Emotional Authority Workshop is your bridge from chaos to emotional clarity. By enrolling in this course, you take a bold step toward a life of purpose, fulfillment, and authenticity.


  • Do I have lifetime access to this course?

    Yes, you have lifetime access to this course, so come back and move through it as many times as you need! It's a journey to learn emotional regulation and reprogramming, so have compassion and revisit often!

  • How much is the course?

    This workshop is a one-time fee of $97 currently. This may change in the future.

  • Refund policy?

    Due to the nature of this workshop, there are no refunds once purchased. If you have any issues or questions, please feel free to email at [email protected].

Ready to enroll?

Move from emotional chaos and confusion to emotional clarity, understanding and acceptance.