Course curriculum

Begin the experimentation process and come home to you

    1. Welcome!

    2. Intention Setting Meditation

    3. Getting started & Intention Setting

    1. What is Human Design?

    2. Human Design

    3. Profiles

    4. Circuitry

    5. Astrology

    6. Chart Example

    7. Chiron & The Nodes

    8. Guest Speaker Replay: Transits

    1. Your Physical Vessel: Health 101 Part 1

    2. Your Physical Vessel: Health 101 Part 2

    3. Emotions, the Solar Plexus & The Spleen

    4. The Centers: Biological Associations

    5. Gut Health

    1. All About the Subconscious

    2. Reprogramming Process

    1. Your Attachment Style

    2. Attachment Styles Part 2

    1. It's all Energy!

    2. Exploring the Energetics of Human Design and the Planets

    3. Your Seven Energetic Layers

About this course

  • $1,500.00
  • 47 lessons
  • 24 hours of video content
  • Join as a Founding Member May 15th
  • Lifetime Access
  • 1:1 Voxer Coaching

Join us for this transformation 14 weeks!

Bonus material

Added Bonuses for this first founding member round!

  • Lifetime Access

    You will have lifetime access to all future rounds of Wholistic HUman Design Academy!

  • 1:1 Voxer Coaching

    $1500 value

    You will have 3 months of 1:1 Voxer coaching! You will also have access to the Facebook group to connect with all other members, this round and beyond!

  • Guest Speakers

    You will have access to this round's guest speakers and replays as well as all future round guest speakers!

Discover your potential, starting today